The Production




We sow and harvest radishes six days a week, 52 weeks a year. It all starts with the soil, which is why we invest in healthy soil every year in which we can grow 200 to 450 seeds per square metre per crop, depending on the location in the Netherlands and Italy. The year-round cultivation of high quality radishes is based on our years of experience and expertise whereby we use the highest quality of radish seeds and new cultivation technologies.

The Sowing process


Hence we sow with a sowing machine in order to drop the radish seeds accurately at the correct spacing. The combination of temperature and light in the greenhouse determines the sowing density. With the correct watering and feeding after sowing the seed germinates and grows into a mature radish in 3 (in the summer period) to 12 (in the winter period) weeks.



After the radish has grown, it can be harvested. Ortolanda thereby uses various techniques to remove both bunched radishes and loose radishes from the soil. We opt for hand or machine harvesting depending on the crop and location, so that the quality of the product can always be assured. In Italy the products are washed and packaged in a conditioned space so that a long quality guarantee can be given. In the Netherlands the products are washed and packaged in a cool shed.

The Quality development


Ortolanda’s most important goal is and remains to produce the best quality radishes. By tracking the latest developments in the horticulture sector and exchanging results between the various nurseries we work hard to supply our customers – from wholesalers to supermarkets and local greengrocers – with a fantastic and healthy product. We regularly explore new packaging methods in conjunction with these customers in order to provide consumers with attractive radishes.